02 September 2005

Fruit Gel!

Well it seems Master Kyan likes fruit gel! I am so pleased we have found something he likes, however I was kinda hoping it would be something that might fill his tummy a little more! Oh well, at least it is a start!

I made some pumpkin puree this morning so I will give that a go today. A friend suggested custard made with formula so I will give that a go soon also. I was going to try today but my custard powder is out of date. Bugger!

If I can just find something that he likes that will fill his tummy I am happy to give him that every day and then slowly build his variety from there...

I have given up on the formula for now, although if there are days when he wont eat solids I might still try again with it in the evenings.

He has been waking only once a night which I can cope with but last night he woke twice again... sigh....

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