26 September 2005

Tooth Tickling

We just made our fifth trip to the dentist for Jasmine. She has/had three cavities. The dentist tells us that she has really deep grooves in her teeth which you will never reach properly with a toothbrush making her more prone than others to cavities.

We managed to get her first cavity at her first trip to the dentist but it frightened her so much that she now refuses to let the dentist do the rest of her teeth. We have been trying bribery, which has not been working. Each time I have upped the stakes a bit but today we still had no luck. The dentist says if we can't get her to do it we will have to get them done under a general as she needs those teeth (molars) till she is 12yrs old and by then they would be severly absessed.

The dentist wont force her to do it as he says, (and we agree) that she needs to learn to get used to the dentist, and forcing her will only make her more frightened. She needs to build a relationship with the dentist so that she is not petrified of going in years to come and as an adult will not avoid the dentist. (well too much anyway!)

We will have two more visits, one just for a look in a months time, to keep the pressure on her, and then in three months, when hopefully she will be just that much more mature to handle it a bit better. He thinks that is as far as we can stretch it without letting the teeth get too much worse. If she still wont do it she will be getting it done under a general in January.

As well as the bribery she was told beforehand that she is no longer allowed to have any sweets, that is lollies, biscuits, cakes or milkshakes and the like until she has her teeth 'tickled' and the germs removed. Lots of tears on the way home when I told her that she couldn't have the doctors set, or the Strawberry Shortcake friends that I got her for the occasion, but that she could not have Macdonalds for dinner, and no more lollies, biscuits etc. She really thought she might get by with just letting him put the camera in her mouth I think because she let him do that this time, but nothing more.

UGH! So no more treats for her until her teeth are done. It would be nice for her to not need to have it done under the general but I doubt we will be that lucky. If only she would understand how much easier (not to mention CHEAPER!) it was to just do it at the dentist, when she doesn't even need any needles as they are only minor cavities.

It is bad enough taking her to the dentist, I am so dreading the thought of having to take her to the hospital to do it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWW Big Hugs for Jazz!