10 November 2005

Cranky Teeth and Happy Teeth!

YAY! Jasmine went to the dentist today and it seems having her bunny rug with her and not allowing her to have lollies, icecream, biscuits and sweets for over a month has worked... oh and I guess the doctors set and strawberry shortcake dolls helped as well! (we offered them last time but it wasn't enough).

She let the dentist tickle (drill) her tooth and she didn't even get upset! She did AMAZINGLY well and was even happy at the end of it! YAY! So one tooth is drilled, and she has to have one more drilled and the fillings put in and she is done. The dentist is going to (hopefully) do that next visit. She is one happy girl getting lots of presents and being able to eat sweets again.

Kyan on the other hand is not so happy. He has been teething for 3mths and for the past mth has been waking every night because of his teeth. Every time they come to the surface and you think oh they are going to come through this time... and then they move back down again! Today however one of the two is starting to protrude although it is still not entirely through as it doesn't feel sharp yet. They look soo sore poor little man and he has been rather cranky the last couple of days.. (moreso than usual) He did sleep through last night but I suspect that was only because he only had 2hrs sleep all day yesterday.

Today he didn't sleep much either so hopefully he will sleep through again tonight. Granted he wanted a breastfeed at 5pm and fell asleep so he hasn't had dinner. Hopefully he will wake for a late dinner otherwise he might wake up hungry.

Anyway... today the big news is teeth! LOL Fingers crossed Kyan's teeth will soon be happy as well!

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