I have been blog tagged by PamPie, so here are my responses.....
*2 names you go by~ clikchic (screen name) and Rob
*2 parts of your heritage~ Dutch and Dutch... Both my parents are dutch and my family is dutch as far back as I know. I hold both Dutch and Australian passports.
*2 of your everyday essentials~ Puta and Spare time! LOL
*2 things you are wearing right now~ Pj's.. yeah, bad I know!
*2 of your favorite bands or musical artists~ Ricky Martin and Robbie Williams, although I quite like our latest Aussie idol winner too! (can't remember his name right at this moment! LOL)
*2 favorite songs~ No idea!
*2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love)~ honesty and quality time
*2 truths~ Kyan was my 6th pregnancy, I hate wasting time on housework when there are better things to do! LOL
*2 physical things that appeal to you~ eyes, & shoulders
*2 of your favorite hobbies~ digital scrapbooking, photography
*2 things you want really badly~ To take my family to visit my family in Holland, to see my Oma again before it is too late.
*2 places you want to go on vacation~ Holland, Sea World... (I could name dozens more! LOL)
*2 things you want to do before you die~ travel around the world, see and spend time with my future grandchildren
*2 ways that you are stereotypically a dude/chick~ love chick flicks, love yummy smelly things
*2 things you are thinking about now~ everything else I have to do today, what I would rather be doing than the housework and bookwork I really need to do
*2 stores you shop at~ Pumpkin Patch and 1626
*2 people to "tag" next~ Tiffany and Lisa
28 December 2005
22 December 2005
Merry Christmas!

Jasmine is really excited to visit Oma and Opa again. She asked Dean yesterday if he had finished his work as she knew we were going once he got it all done, and when we told her no she got very upset because she said she missed her Oma and Opa. We called Opa so she could speak to him and he cheered her up thank goodness. :-)
She just can't wait to go, it is a shame she can't see them more often.
I am sooo looking forward to Christmas this year. It is so much fun watching Jaz open the presents, and it will also be fun watching Kyan play with the wrappers! LOL She had a wonderful time last year handing out the presents to every one and was so excited about the whole thing. I think with her being a year older it will be even better this year.
Next year I will have to be a bit more careful with things as she seems to pick up on things so easily.. I am going to print out our gift cards instead of hand writing them. I remember as a child thinking it was strange that Mum had written on the cards for the presents that Santa got us. So from next year on I am going to be sure and print the cards out! :-) Either that or disguise my handwriting...
Hopefully Kyan will cope with the trip better than last time we went to the coast. Last time we went, it took us 5hrs to get home on what is normally a 3hr trip because he was rather cranky. Not a fun journey! He is forward facing in his car seat now though and no longer suffers from bad reflux, so hopefully things will go a bit more smoothly!
I was up to 1am last night getting all the gifts wrapped! That will teach me to leave the wrapping till the last minute, although I was not expecting to leave till tomorrow. Anyway, I had better get packing, it takes me hours to pack for three of us, and this time we will have to pack the gifts etc as well. I so hate travelling with babies, there is so much stuff to take with you and so many things to forget!
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas, filled with friends, family and lots of cheer and laughter!
Best wishes from,
Robyn, Dean, Jasmine and Kyan
19 December 2005
On Santa's Knee

Jasmine was just bursting to see Santa this year and couldn't wait to tell him what she wanted for Christmas. She has been dying for a scooter after seeing our neighbours with theirs. Thankfully Oma and Opa are coming to the rescue on that one as we had already bought all of her Christmas presents earlier in the year during a Toy Sale.
This is the second year that we have been able to get a photo of her with Santa. Previous years she was petrified of him and wouldn't go near him.
Kyan coped quite well giving Santa quite a few worried looks but thankfully we were able to get some photos before he started to get too upset.
All the better to eat you with!

She is a lovely lady who works at Jasmine's kindy who adores the kids, and was always good with Jasmine when she was in her room at kindy. Anyway, Kyan was a bit difficult to put down so I gave him some nurophen as I thought his teeth were bothering him. I THOUGHT once he had some Nurophen she would have a pretty easy night with him but I couldn't have been more wrong!
He woke a couple of times and was extremely hard to settle but yesterday we found out why, his 5th tooth was cutting through the poor little man! Anyway, here he is pointing to his fifth tooth. LOL
He has enjoyed his bread for a while, he used to suck on it and chew any bits that broke off with his gums, but the more teeth he gets the more efficient he is getting at demolishing his bed.
It is all going so quick now. Since he started commando crawling he is now exploring all the rooms in the house. When he caught sight of Jasmine's room he couldn't wait to go in there and explore all the toys in her room! He is now also enjoying coming over to wherever I am and flapping his arms when he wants to be picked up.
17 December 2005
Dashing Through the Snow

So we recorded Jingle Bells along with a few other songs. You should be able to download them by clicking on the links below and saving to disk. Once you have saved them to disk you should be able to listen to them from your computer (with speakers on) by double clicking on the files.
I also recorded Kyan laughing yesterday, although it is a bit soft, I had the volume set wrong, so you may need to turn it up to hear it properly. I will try and record him again some time when he is awake.
note: the file sizes on some of these are quite large so may take a while to download on dailup.
14 December 2005
Little Commando!

Kyan has started commando crawling the last few days... :-) He had started doing a half commando crawl half roll for a week or two but the last few days he is starting to give up on rolling altogether and is starting to motor doing his commando crawl! (ie. dragging torso along floor and pulling along with arms and legs) Every now and again he will get up on all fours but usually soon collapses. Me thinks he has a little too much weight to carry still. LOL Even so, I will be surprised if he isn't crawling properly by Christmas.
Wiggle it!
We took Jaz to the Wiggles on the weekend. Her cousin Daniel had his birthday party on the same day so we made a quick stop there on the way. It would have been nice to stay for longer but we had, had the tickets for months. It was lovely to see how much he has grown tho, and crawling round like he is on a mission!
This photo was taken with my 80mm lens and was as close as I could get with it (plus it is cropped!) so as you can see we didn't have great seats. They apparently didn't allow 'professional' camera's so while mine isn't professional, Dean said (who heard them over the loudspeaker when he went to get us some lunch) they meant anything more than a compact. So I had to hide the camera any time an usher walked past. LOL It is not like I was ever going to get a great photo from that distance anyway! Granted I was amazed at how good the photos actually were! Next time seeing as I had to hide the camera anyway I may as well stick the 300mm lens on it and see how I go! LOL
I am not sure how, but somehow Dean and Kyan even managed to sleep while we were there! Unbelievable. Jaz had a wonderful time dancing and carrying on and singing songs. They didn't have an intermission this year which I think made it a bit long for her. She got a bit tired of it towards the end. She probably could have used a little walk around half way through or something. But she had an absolute ball and didn't mind sitting in her own seat this year, and wasn't near as overwhelmed by it all as she has been in previous years. It is definately something I would like to keep doing every year tho as I get such a kick out of her excitement! She was sooo happy and excited when we arrived and couldn't wait to get up the stairs of the venue and get inside. When she heard their music being played over the loudspeaker, she got even more excited. LOL I think she realises now tho that it isn't their 'house'. Last year she thought we went to visit them at their house. He he.

I am not sure how, but somehow Dean and Kyan even managed to sleep while we were there! Unbelievable. Jaz had a wonderful time dancing and carrying on and singing songs. They didn't have an intermission this year which I think made it a bit long for her. She got a bit tired of it towards the end. She probably could have used a little walk around half way through or something. But she had an absolute ball and didn't mind sitting in her own seat this year, and wasn't near as overwhelmed by it all as she has been in previous years. It is definately something I would like to keep doing every year tho as I get such a kick out of her excitement! She was sooo happy and excited when we arrived and couldn't wait to get up the stairs of the venue and get inside. When she heard their music being played over the loudspeaker, she got even more excited. LOL I think she realises now tho that it isn't their 'house'. Last year she thought we went to visit them at their house. He he.
09 December 2005
Preschool Graduation!

Jasmine was very proud of her certificate that had all the 'songs' on it. (It had pictures of nursery rhymes on it.) She was in her element being able to have all the goodies because 'Tony had tickeled her teeth!'.
Jasmine's 'Hospisal' Visit

The dentist redid her first filling and also did her two top molars. He said he was glad that he didn't do them in the surgery as they were a lot deeper than he expected. He also filled another two that had stains on them. He said they would have become cavaties in the next two years so it was better to fill them now to prevent us having further problems with having to get her to get more teeth filled.
They called me in again after she woke up in recovery and was of course asking for me. I was a bit dissappointed that they didn't bring me in before she woke up but I guess they wanted to make sure she was ok first. I think she was of course a bit disorientated and was glad to see me. They put me in a recliner so that she could rest on me as she woke up further. She got a bit nauseous and vomited a bit of mucas, but they put something in her drip for it and she was much better after that. She fell asleep a couple of times but gradually got more lucid and started to feel her normal self a bit more. She kept saying she was hungry and was very keen for the jelly they offered her but she decided that she didn't like green jelly once she tasted it. (takes after her Mum! - we both LOVE Jelly but I only like red) She had a couple of mouthfuls of custard before saying it was too cold and not wanting to eat any more.
We managed to distract her when the nurse took the drip out of her hand and the nurse blamed me when she said ouch. LOL She had no idea what was even there tho (they had it covered up with a bandage) and even asked why she got a band aid there. So that is good at least, I was so dreading how I was going to get her to have her immunisation next month after having had a drip in her hand.
She came home in good spirits because she got some presents for being so good. She now has the umbrella she has been asking for, for months and has been playing with it constantly the last few days. She even had a nap after lunch which is becoming more and more of a rarity now! She was quite pasty most of the day and also yesterday, but today she looks a bit better, tho still a little pale.
I am sure going to the Wiggles tomorrow will put a bit of colour in her cheeks! :-)
Christmas Tree!

I love the yellow cast that Christmas tree photos get when you take photos of them at night with the lights one. So pretty!
Christmas is coming!

We bought all her presents at a sale earlier in the year and it was only the last couple of months that she started asking for a scooter. We had already bought all her presents and Dean didn't want to get one because we already had so much. I wanted to keep one of her Christmas presents for her birthday and get her a scooter, but thankfully Opa and Oma came to the rescue and have bought her one! Phew! She would have been sooo dissappointed if she didn't get one when she asked Santa for one last night!
02 December 2005
4 Teeth!
Now that Kyan's first teeth have finally arrived they are popping up mighty quick! His fourth one has now come through and he is doing even better at chomping through a piece of bread. He also is quite keen on potato chips and doesn't mind chicken either. He has vegimite on bread most days now and on occasion also has sultana bread which he is also quite partial to. :-) He quite enjoy's his finger food! It is so much easier having a baby who loves his food!
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