The dentist redid her first filling and also did her two top molars. He said he was glad that he didn't do them in the surgery as they were a lot deeper than he expected. He also filled another two that had stains on them. He said they would have become cavaties in the next two years so it was better to fill them now to prevent us having further problems with having to get her to get more teeth filled.
They called me in again after she woke up in recovery and was of course asking for me. I was a bit dissappointed that they didn't bring me in before she woke up but I guess they wanted to make sure she was ok first. I think she was of course a bit disorientated and was glad to see me. They put me in a recliner so that she could rest on me as she woke up further. She got a bit nauseous and vomited a bit of mucas, but they put something in her drip for it and she was much better after that. She fell asleep a couple of times but gradually got more lucid and started to feel her normal self a bit more. She kept saying she was hungry and was very keen for the jelly they offered her but she decided that she didn't like green jelly once she tasted it. (takes after her Mum! - we both LOVE Jelly but I only like red) She had a couple of mouthfuls of custard before saying it was too cold and not wanting to eat any more.
We managed to distract her when the nurse took the drip out of her hand and the nurse blamed me when she said ouch. LOL She had no idea what was even there tho (they had it covered up with a bandage) and even asked why she got a band aid there. So that is good at least, I was so dreading how I was going to get her to have her immunisation next month after having had a drip in her hand.
She came home in good spirits because she got some presents for being so good. She now has the umbrella she has been asking for, for months and has been playing with it constantly the last few days. She even had a nap after lunch which is becoming more and more of a rarity now! She was quite pasty most of the day and also yesterday, but today she looks a bit better, tho still a little pale.
I am sure going to the Wiggles tomorrow will put a bit of colour in her cheeks! :-)
1 comment:
Wooowee--what a day for both of you!
Hope she's feelin' much better very soon!
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