04 January 2006

clikchicdesigns.com - Aussie Top 10! YEAH!


clikchicdesigns.com have reached the 10 Ten in the Australian Top 50 Scrapping sites! Onwards and upwards!

What a fabulous start to 2006!


katef said...

woohoo!! Way to go Robyn! I have been watching you rise up that list with great anticipation!!!! Great work!

Anonymous said...

The updated site looks great Robyn, musta been hard work but you did a great job and I love your new chickie avatar gal - she's cool! BTW I loved the article on tearing paper for CS - must try it that way - i learnt a method using the lasso & smudge tools that really looks amateurish to me.... the results in your articles screenshots looked really good - thanks for the tips.