Needless to say he loves vegemite sandwiches!
Well our clever boy has now started to crawl properly. He still uses the commando crawl lots but also does a normal crawl, usually when crawling short distances. We get all excited and tell him good boy and he gets a look on his face as if to say what on earth are you one about???
The other night (Thursday I think) he was up for the ENTIRE night.. well apart from about an hour. Dean and I were absolutely knackered only managing about 2hrs sleep each. Oma and Opa where here so that made things even more difficult as they were on our sleepa sofa in the loungeroom so we couldn't come out there like we usually do to settle him.
I took him to the hospital at around 1am and well that was an adventure in itself... Interesting the hospital clientele at that time on a Thursday night! Anyway.. they could find nothing wrong... his ear infection was pretty much cleared up (which by the way he got recently also), no wind, no nothing at all wrong with him that they could tell. Nurophen and mylanta did nothing. I was left feeling rather silly at the hospital.. but the following day I thought about it further...
Here I was thinking he was over his dairy intolerance, or at least pretty much. That evening we had given him some pizza crust thinking there would be no dairy in the pizza base, but it appears ( just confirmed by Pizza Hut a few minutes ago) that the Perfecto Base does have dairy in it. Thin and Pan doesn't. We of course had perfecto as it is my favourite base.
If you have seen Kyan at meal times you know how bad he wants to eat what you do.. and that was the case this time. We had pizza for dinner and of course he wanted some so we gave him the crust. The result was us all being up most of the night.. sadly I guess this means that his dairy intolerance wasn't improving as I had thought.. it must just be because he is breastfeeding less due to being on solids that I am able to have a little more dairy in my diet.
He has also broken out in eczema over the last few days which he hasn't done for ages, so my bet is that it is all related. Bugger!
I was thinking about not entirely weaning him at 12mths and perhaps extending the morning and evening feeds for a bit longer but at this point I might be best weaning him and putting him on soy (hopefully he will show more interest than he has so far!) as the lack of calcium from insufficient dairy is taking it's toll on me, resulting in leg cramps and restless legs syndrome at night time which in turn results in insomnia....
At least he seems to be tolerating the soy ok in his cereal and custard. I was initially worried about giving him soy because I had read that babies with Milk Protien Intolerance often don't tolerate Soy as the protiens are very similar as that of milk.
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