30 March 2006

Scrappers Choice Nomination

Clikchic Designs and a few of our members have been nominated for the scrappers choice awards.

Check out the nominees, and vote for your favourites here.

It will be interesting to see how it turns out! ;-)

It has been a while since I have done updates because we have all been sick with gastro, and I have also been busy getting a few new designers set up for our store. It has been so exciting getting some new designers for our all Australian team. I really love the idea of having an all Australian team in the store. I think it gives our site something special, and something for our growing Australian membership base. Digital scrapbooking is growing in Australia and I believe it is going to make a giant leap in the next 1-2 years. It will be great to be part of that growth and to be able to give Australian digiscrappers a place to connect, share layouts, join in on challenges and crops, share information and just generally enjoy digiscrapping.

I am so enjoying watching the growth of CD. It is enourmously satisfying to be part of that growth and to interact with the members and team members. Unfortunately the bigger the site gets the less time I have to participate on the forum and in the gallery but I try and get in there as much as I can. ;-)

15 March 2006

1st Steps! - and a few updates...

Kyan took his first steps yesterday! It took me entirely surprise because while he has been cruising furniture for a while and getting more and more stable, he has shown absolutely no interest in walking. I was in the bathroom and he was standing at the door and he wanted to come to me, and before he realised what he was doing started taking a couple of steps.. he then realised what he was doing and was about to get back down on hands and knees when I encouraged him and he took another step and fell into my arms. I got sooo excited and he was so proud of himself.

It was such a shame that Dean was only 10mins away from coming home and missed it! I managed to get him to do it a few more times by telling standing him up and telling him to walk to Mummy, and then a couple more times when Dean came home. He is a cheeky little bugger as it is who is always into everything so I can see I am going to be chasing after him constantly! LOL We have had to put child locks on the cupboards under the sink already as he has a great facination for what is inside them and has recently worked out how to open them. We never had to use child locks for Jasmine as she never had any interest in opening the kitchen doors. She even knows to make sure Kyan doesn't go near them and that he is not to touch anything inside.

He gave the new locks a good test today and got a bit frustrated that he couldn't open the doors. Jasmine couldn't even open them so hopefully he won't work it out too soon! LOL

The poor little man has been waking lots thanks to teething. He now has 8 teeth and I think there is a molar on the way. He has been chewing on his thumb heaps right at the back of his mouth. He has also developed a nasty cough for about a week and a half which I have suspected might be asthma. With the weezing he has had with croup, and also some weezing without croup about a month ago, I have suspected for a little while he might have asthma but doctors are reluctant to diagnose it before 12mths. Anyway, he has been waking at night with fits of coughing and it all started around the time my own asthma flared up when we had a change in weather.. as it got cooler.

So I took him to the doctor yesterday and she thinks it is asthma too. So I came home with a spacer, mask and some ventolin along with a script for some Prednisone. My gp thinks the predisone will clear it up a fair bit. It is so hard to tell if the ventolin is working since his weezing is not usually audible except at night time, but you know he is having it as he has the same coughing fits that I do. At least I now can give him ventolin in the hopes it will work.

He had his 12mth vaccinations yesterday also and so has been rather cranky today. At least it is over and done with! We have had a cranky Jaz as well as she has had a nasty tummy bug, she got it from me. The poor thing was up last night screaming in pain from tummy cramps and woke again later on having been a little sick. We had to change the sheets etc, before putting her back to bed. I was a bit groggy having taken mersyndol to help me sleep through my own tummy cramps! Anyway, I am feeling pretty much better today and Jasmine seemed a fair bit better, tho still a bit clingy and pale.

Birthday Boy!

Our baby boy is now 1! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone! He has certainly kept us busy this year with his reflux, milk protien intolerance, teething, etc etc etc. At least his reflux is now over, with only occasional bouts which don't bother him too much.

He has grown up so fast, and he had a wonderful party on the weekend. We got him a Fisher Price front door thingy, with doorbell, front door light, mailbox, window and all sorts of other bells and wistles. He and Jasmine have been having great fun playing with it. Jasmine chose a fire truck for him from her which he has also enjoyed playing with. He loves to play with it in the car.

He got totally spoilt by all our friends and relatives and now finally has some wonderful boy toys instead of sharing a lot of his sisters old girly toys. He now has a little people pirate ship instead of a Little People house to play with! LOL He also got a wonderful Plane/Car so he no longer has to ride Jasmine's Pink Disney Princess one. It does have lots of bells and noisy whistles tho.. but I guess I will get used to it along with all the other noisy toys around the place! LOL He and Jasmine LOVE it and have been playing with it constantly. Kyan enjoys sitting on it but has trouble putting his leg over the seat so we have to help him out there.

I made an elmo cake for him since he likes Elmo! And who doesn't he is so cute! I thought it would be an easy one to make compared to my previous cakes, but getting the red icing and the black colour in the wedding cake fondant was a bit tricky. Jasmine desperately wanted to help me until he was finished but by the time it was 8.30 I still had a few decorations to make and she was soooo tired.. she ended up cuddling with dad and was asleep within minutes.

She did have great fun helping me with the ginger bread men and chocolate crackles tho! She LOVES helping me cook, the licking of the spoon and bowl might have something to do with that tho.. ahh the memories of my own childhood! It is amazing how hungry she gets when I am cooking.. but only for one particular thing! LOL

Kyan was very blazé about his birthday and didn't really seem to notice the day was anything special..perhaps just a few strange looks tho with all the cuddles I kept giving him. LOL

At his party he overcame his dislike of crawling on grass and decided it was worth the effort to crawl over grass to get to his Daddy who was on the other side of the picnic table. Not long after that he decided it would be a good idea to head full speed down the park footpath (thank goodness there were no bike riders around!) with me following him close behind with the camera to grab a few shots. I thought it was so cute.. it didn't take him long to travel a good 50-100 meters on that cold rough concrete!

08 March 2006

Survivor Voting

Ahh! Looks like you don't have to be a member to vote anymore now, I just logged out to have a look and you can vote of you aren't registered! YAY! So, anyone who isn't a member.. vote away! ;-)

One Cute Boy

These challenges for the digi survivor are a great excuse to get some layouts done instead of designing kits for a change! Here is my entry for the survivor immunity challenge. My layout is here, and the voting is here. (you have to be a member to vote). We had to use a sketch for inspiration for this one. I found it a difficult sketch to work with but I think I managed to get it to work.. eventually! LOL

Challenge 2! - One

Here is my next entry for the survivor challenge! ;-) We had to do a layout using 2 background papers, 1 element, 1 photo, 1 font and we had to include journalling. I still have to do my immunity challenge, but I am snowed under at the moment.. still hoping to get it done today tho! Fingers Crossed. I am finding it hard to get inspired for the immunity challenge as we have to do a layout using a sketch as inspiration but I am finding it hard to get inspired with this sketch as it really isn't me.. I guess I will just have to find it somewhere! LOL

Anyway, your votes are more than welcome! ;-) My entry is here, and you can vote for me here. (You do need to be registered with doitdigi to be able to vote)

01 March 2006

Digiscrapping Survivor!

It has been a while since I posted because things are just mad around here.. I have been doing lots of kits and there never seems to be enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. Kyans birthday is coming up as well so I am also busy preparing for that. I have some updates to do on the kids but I think I will have to leave that until after the weekend as things are so hectic between now and then.

I did want to do a quick post about the ongoing challenge I have entered at doitdigi. They held auditions and there are 29 entrants to the challenge. They have divided us up into teams of three and I am on the Elemental team, and our colour is purple.

The game/contest is a series of challenges which we all have to compete in and have our entries voted on. The aim is to get as many votes as possible, so that we do not have to vote a member off. There are also immunity challenges so that we can have immunity from being voted off. Anyway, it is all Survivor style so you get the drift! ;-)

The above logo is the entry for my immunity challenge. We had to do a signature tag. Above is the enlarged version. You can vote for me by clicking on it, and clicking on the vote button under the thumbnail of my entry. I think you have to be a member to vote tho..

Unfortunately we cannot show animated gifs in the gallery, so I had to show the different frames on the preview. You can see it above tho as it is meant to look.

My 1st Challenge entry is below. We had to do a magazine cover for our team. Please vote for me using the same method. It has been fun doing these challenges.. I can't wait to see what is next!