30 March 2006

Scrappers Choice Nomination

Clikchic Designs and a few of our members have been nominated for the scrappers choice awards.

Check out the nominees, and vote for your favourites here.

It will be interesting to see how it turns out! ;-)

It has been a while since I have done updates because we have all been sick with gastro, and I have also been busy getting a few new designers set up for our store. It has been so exciting getting some new designers for our all Australian team. I really love the idea of having an all Australian team in the store. I think it gives our site something special, and something for our growing Australian membership base. Digital scrapbooking is growing in Australia and I believe it is going to make a giant leap in the next 1-2 years. It will be great to be part of that growth and to be able to give Australian digiscrappers a place to connect, share layouts, join in on challenges and crops, share information and just generally enjoy digiscrapping.

I am so enjoying watching the growth of CD. It is enourmously satisfying to be part of that growth and to interact with the members and team members. Unfortunately the bigger the site gets the less time I have to participate on the forum and in the gallery but I try and get in there as much as I can. ;-)

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